Heart Hugger Blog

Choosing the Perfect Post-Operative Bra After Heart Surgery

Posted by Heart Hugger on Oct 8, 2024 12:15:00 AM


woman holding her sternum or chest after open heart surgery


After undergoing open-heart surgery, you're bound to have a multitude of questions, concerns, and emotions swirling through your mind.

While post-operative bras might not have been at the forefront of your mind before surgery, choosing the right one can play a crucial role in your recovery.

Not only can the correct post-operative bra provide you with a greater sense of comfort and security, but it can also significantly aid in your healing journey, helping you get back to living your best life sooner than you even expected.

Why Heart Pillows are Ineffective After Heart Surgery

Posted by Heart Hugger on Jul 1, 2024 10:52:00 AM


heart pillow

If you're researching information related to heart surgery and recovery, you've likely come across mentions of heart pillows (also known as chest or cough pillows). For years, these pillows have been standard issue in many hospitals for patients recovering from heart surgery or sternotomies. The traditional thinking was that heart pillows could provide comfort and support when patients needed to cough, sneeze, or manage pain.


Before, During, and After a Sternotomy

Posted by Heart Hugger on May 7, 2024 12:09:00 PM


older couple exercising after heart surgery

If you or a loved one is having a sternotomy, you likely have a lot of questions about the procedure, the healing process, what to expect, and more. While it's always best to ask your doctor for guidance, it never hurts to do a bit of foundational research so you know what to ask.

Sleeping After Heart Surgery

Posted by Heart Hugger on May 5, 2023 12:15:00 PM

1 Comment

sleeping after heart surgery

It is quite common for patients to complain of having trouble sleeping after heart surgery. It can mean added stress during recovery, as patients are tired and want sleep, and because most recognize how vital sleep is to the recovery process

Let's take a look at some of the factors that affect post-surgery sleep patterns as well as tips to help you sleep better.

Hydration and Heart Health

Posted by Heart Hugger on Mar 14, 2023 12:36:13 PM

1 Comment

senior man drinking water out of a glass

You likely know just how important hydration can be for overall health--but what about heart health? Here's everything you need to know about the connection between taking care of your thirst and taking care of your body.

How to Participate in Heart Health Month

Posted by Heart Hugger on Feb 6, 2023 1:56:26 PM


Whether Heart Health Month is close to your heart for personal reasons or you just want to raise awareness about an important issue, February has plenty of opportunities for you. Here are a few key ways to participate alone or with friends and family.