Posted by Heart Hugger on Oct 22, 2019 7:15:22 AM

Getting ready for heart surgery can be nerve-wracking--but that's completely normal. As a patient, the best thing you can do is prep, prep, prep so that you know exactly what's going to happen, what you can expect, and what's going to be expected of you. Here are a few things to keep in mind during the whole process.
The First Step: Narrow Your Focus
Although it's easy to feel like you need to worry about every little detail when it comes to heart surgery preparation, the truth is that your doctor has done this plenty of times before and is perfectly comfortable being responsible for the important stuff. All you need to do is ask the right questions and make sure you've completed a few simple tasks.
To help narrow your focus, here is a "schedule" of things you need to do before heart surgery:
Weeks Before Surgery
This is the beginning of the prep window. You'll want to ask any questions you have (like how long the surgery will last or how long you'll have to stay at the hospital afterward) and get specific instructions for everything that's expected of you.
On top of that, you want to keep a close eye on your health, stop smoking, eat well, and notify your doctor if you start to feel ill.
This is also a good time to make arrangements for the time immediately after surgery and your recovery at home. See the top five tips for home preparation here.
The Night Before Surgery
With your surgery getting close, nervousness can start to set in. The best way to handle this is to go over your doctor's instructions word-for-word so that you feel prepared and know exactly what's going to happen.
The Morning of Your Surgery
Wear the appropriate clothes--something comfortable with a button-up front, no jewelry or valuables, and no makeup or nail polish. Remember to bring all of your essential medications with you to the hospital, and, as always, ask your doctor if you have any questions.
Are you preparing for heart surgery or wondering what to expect before, during, and after? Contact us today for all the prep and rehabilitation help you need.