Being concerned about your health as a patient is normal, especially after heart surgery. What lies ahead will help ease your worries and restore your heart health after your surgery.
Being concerned about your health as a patient is normal, especially after heart surgery. What lies ahead will help ease your worries and restore your heart health after your surgery.
As a living and breathing soul in today's world, it's essential to ensure your heart is in complete harmony with your daily life. Having a healthy heart is the epitome of conducting activities, working and being productive, and your relationships. If there's any one reason to wake up and love the life you're living, it is having a healthy heart.
Heart health depends on a wide range of factors, and some of those can't be changed. However, there are plenty of factors that are within your control. For better heart health, here are just a few of the natural ways you can succeed.
Heart health is one of the most important of all health subjects around the world. That's why we believe it is so important to raise awareness of heart health, and this is especially true during February, which is American Heart Health Month.
You probably never thought you'd have to look up "how to cough and sneeze," but the truth is that these simple, everyday actions can get a little more complicated after heart surgery. Here's everything you need to know, plus a few extra tips to keep you healthy and comfortable.
As a heart surgery patient, you have a lot to think about, so don't let a packing list be something that stresses you out. Instead, use this handy checklist to get ready well ahead of time and feel comfortable, calm, and prepared on the way to the hospital.
There are all kinds of things to learn, know, and understand before open-heart surgery. Perhaps one of the most important is how long your recovery might take, but the truth is that there's no single answer. Read on to find out how to calculate open-heart surgery recovery time.
Heart surgery is an intensive process. While you can trust your doctors to take good care of you, it's still important to know and understand the complications that might occur. Here is a quick list of complications that may occur after heart surgery, and what you can do to limit your risk.
When you think about what makes you you, what is it that first comes to mind? Is it your physical features, like the specific shade of your eyes that you've never seen mimicked anywhere else? Is it a special skill? Is it some complex combination of the books you've read, the songs you've heard, the people you've met, and the things you've done? Whatever comes to mind when you think about yourself as an individual, it's likely not the simple yet incredibly important act of breathing.
Breathing is an important part of every life, yet it is often overlooked as an automatic and unnoticed detail--but after surgery, that can all change.
No matter what kind of chest operation you're having, a postoperative bra can help make the healing process easier, faster, and more comfortable. Read on to find out precisely what this simple but powerful garment can do for you!