Posted by Heart Hugger on Dec 31, 2020 8:40:00 AM

Widely utilized for cardiac patients, heart pillows are a tool that is commonly used. Although they may be comforting for cardiac patients, there is no concrete evidence proving that the device helps them heal. Operating almost like a placebo, these devices cost hospitals an awful lot of money to give to cardiac patients.
But this isn't all, as these heart pillows can lead to one developing infections in the event it is exposed to different surfaces and places. In addition to this, heart pillows do not offer constant support, as the patient must hold them in place.
Heart Huggers Versus Heart Pillows
Although heart pillows seem to serve an individual as a special kind of keepsake, it does nothing beyond this. However, it's The Heart Hugger that offers the external support that cardiac patients require. The Heart Hugger can not only benefit a patient in numerous ways, but it can also reduce the number of readmissions that cardiac patients tend to face.
As far as support, The Heart Hugger provides support during movements that tend to cause pain for cardiac patients, such as coughing and sneezing. In addition to alleviating pain, The Heart Hugger is capable of reducing most complications in cardiac patients. That's right, The Heart Hugger allows cardiac patients to have control over their recovery and pain.
Preventing Future Readmissions
It's safe to say that every medical provider wants their patients to stay out of the hospital (within reason) and not be readmitted. Thankfully, The Heart Hugger helps lower cardiac patient readmission numbers due to its many different perks.
As far as sternal complications, these often happen when the cardiac patient isn't supporting their sternum whenever breathing deeply, sneezing, or coughing. In addition to this, the cardiac patient may even be violating such rules as lifting, pushing, or pulling something weighing more than ten pounds.
If there was only a support harness that was designed for the sternum, it would be infinitely easier for one to follow sternum support mandates and have fewer remissions.
Thankfully, this is exactly why Heart Hugger exists. If the cardiac patient needs to cough, they no longer have to worry about extreme pain and have confidence in the event they must cough without pain. Another perk is that The Heart Hugger harness is capable of reducing sternal strain and allow one to manage their pain by supporting the wound during movement. Long story short, The Heart Hugger offers less pain and more healing for the wound.
Developed for Patients
Once extubated, it's time for the cardiac patient to start utilizing The Heart Hugger. Between the comfort and support The Heart Hugger offers, the patient will be on a much easier track to recovery. The patient can harness the support they need given the task or movement they must make as they heal by simply squeezing the handles together. By being given this control and autonomy, the cardiac patients are less likely to require readmission and have significantly less pain.
So in consideration of the information above, contact us today regarding The Heart Hugger and how it can solve postoperative care complications and lessen the number of readmissions you as a provider have to deal with.